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今天是教师节,这里分享一下美国数学会曾经分享的数学滑稽网页——数学教授语录(Math Professor Quotes, http://mathprofessorquotes.tumblr.com)。


“I teach calculus for money, I research algebra for my soul”
— Calculus professor  
—— 微积分教授

“It’s a game, see? I give you an epsilon, and you have to find the N! It’s a very fun game, I promise.”
— Real analysis professor 
—— 实分析教授

“There are no earthquakes in geometry.”
— Geometry professor
—— 几何教授

“Zero is never invited to the eigenvector party.”
— Linear algebra professor
—— 线性代数教授

“One of you answered a problem on the test with ‘Only god knows this.’”
— Statistics professor
—— 统计学教授

“A differential equation is something with a lot of x’s.”
— Differential equations professor
—— 微分方程教授

“This isn’t mathematics, this is theology.”
— Number theory professor
—— 数论教授

“A problem being in NP doesn’t mean that the problem is hard. It just means that it’s slightly not easy.”
— Computer science professor
—— 计算机科学教授

“A way to define natural numbers is by rocks–if you have that number of rocks, you have a natural number.”
— Discrete math professor
—— 离散数学教授

“When a ball is a cube, Paris is in Belgium.”
— Logic professor
—— 逻辑学教授

“Love is NOT a symmetric relation.”
— Combinatorics professor
—— 组合学教授

“This is the kind of thing you think about for ten minutes and then say, “Yes, it’s obvious.””
— Graph theory professor
—— 图论教授

“Whenever you make a sign mistake, you can say “Oh, but I meant modulo 2.””
— Abstract algebra professor
—— 抽象代数教授

“It’s really easy to do math, you just have to know how to draw parabolas and potatoes.”
— Topology professor
—— 拓扑学教授

“It’s algebra, so it’s a little messy.”
— Algebraic topology professor
—— 代数拓扑教授




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